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420 Blaze It Dishtowel

Type: All Products
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420 Blaze It Dishtowel has a written and charted pattern. Approximate finished size is 10 1/2” x 15” from top of folded hanging loop.


Please contact me if you have questions about the pattern. Due to the nature of the item, refunds will not be issued.

This pattern is for personal use only. You are not allowed to share, reproduce, resell, translate, publish and alter the patterns in whole or part. No mass production is allowed.

You are allowed to sell the finished item that you create using my patterns as long as you give credit me as the designer and provide a link to the pattern (These patterns along with all images are copyrighted and you must use your own photos), or add to your label or tag that product was made with a GetKnitfacedInCO pattern (at local market etc.).

Thank you for your respect and kind understanding:)